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Our story

The Symphony of Us is the outcome of an extensive exploration of the cancer research system. This involved discussions with lots of stakeholders, including patients, health care providers, researchers, investors and policymakers.

Why The Symphony of Us?

Cancer affects not only patients and their families, it poses a challenge to our health care system and society as a whole. Belgium has an excellent reputation in cancer research. Nevertheless, much potential remains untapped to improve patients’ experience within that system.

We live in an exciting time full of opportunities. We want to use this momentum to bridge differences and bring together diverse perspectives, knowledge and disciplines. The goal? A symphony of collaboration where the voice of every stakeholder is heard.

"As a cancer patient, I won a battle… but the war continues. I believe you only heal from cancer the day you die from something else."

Marie-Evelyne Feyerick, Chair of the Board Committee of The Symphony of Us and ex-cancer patient

Guided by enthusiastic researchers

The heart of The Symphony of Us is a strong team of academic researchers from different fields. Over the next two years, they will work together transdisciplinary while keeping the current social context in mind.

An initative of the King Baudouin Foundation

The mission of the King Baudouin Foundation is to contribute to building a better society in Belgium, Europe, and elsewhere in the world. The Foundation is an actor for change and innovation, serving the public interest and increasing social cohesion. We endeavor to maximize our impact through capacity building among organizations and people who contribute to building a better society.